apache-solr PR: 201455 (I think 212104 blocks usage of apache-solr)

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Thu Sep 1 15:28:27 UTC 2016


Am 01.09.2016 um 15:29 schrieb Kurt Jaeger:
> Yes, please. It was me who messed up that port, sorry for that.
> The startup and config is still messy, it does not look easy.

I started with the port and have it running.
The current version can be found here:

Upstream was a lot changed and I'm not sure how to tackle this:

- directory structure was changed completely (currently I have
everything under /usr/local/solr which does not respect hier but for the
first step it should be fine)
- solr uses now its own startup script and I see no reason to write this
script again -> so I will use the bash script to start solr

I changed the current startup script that it can start a solr instance
without problems.
But the startup script does not return the PID and I'm not sure how to
handle, so stopping the solr instance via FreeBSD startup script is not

What is here best practise?



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