Resurrecting games/wmfortune (Was: Re: misc/jive deleted)

Alphons van Werven freebsd at
Sun Oct 23 16:37:57 UTC 2016

Dave Horsfall wrote:

>> There used to be "offensive" (a term to be taken rather loosely in this 
>> case) fortune cookies, but they got kicked out somewhere in 9.X. That 
>> was the base system though; not the ports tree.
> Not to mention "fortune -o" (to get the obscene versions) and there were
> some beauties there...

That's actually what I meant :-)

The funny thing to me is that fortune-o got removed, while murphy-o is
still around. Moreover, there are a couple of aphorisms in there of which
I honestly can't for the life of me fathom what could possibly be
offensive about them, but that's a different matter altogether.

> aneurin% cd wmfortune 
> aneurin% less *descr
> WMFortune outputs fortune messages, just as its name says.
> aneurin% make
> ===>  wmfortune-0.241_3 is marked as broken: No public disfiles.
> *** [all] Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/ports/games/wmfortune.

I've been doing some searching, but upstream games/wmfortune appears to
have indeed vanished entirely. I still have what seems to be the latest
distfile in my archives and I'd be happy to host it if this port still
builds and works properly.


A.J. "Fonz" van Werven <freebsd at>
mailsig: Help! I'm a prisoner in a Chinese fortune cookie factory.
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