misc/jive deleted

Kurt Jaeger lists at opsec.eu
Sun Oct 23 16:03:50 UTC 2016


> Is this -- being more inclusive (whatever that means) -- 
> even a valid goal for a technical project?

That depends on those working on the project. If they wonder
why systems programming is so one-sided when it cames to age,
gender, race, etc, then: yes, it becomes a goal.

Please remember that there was another discussion at that time (August 2016),
which caused the loss of relevant contributors because the project
did not react in a manner that was seen sensible from all sides.

I would not count one such action as a huge change of direction,
but I would not welcome it either if the project started long
discussions on on-sidedness and missed out on the technical ones.

So, lets get back to technical stuff 8-}

pi at opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                         4 years to go !

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