pkg: cached package size mismatch, again

Rostislav Krasny rosti.bsd at
Mon Oct 17 14:55:03 UTC 2016


I've a fresh FreeBSD 11.0 installed. When I try to install x11/kde4 by
pkg(8) it fails to install the very first dependency package:

Fetching ktux-4.14.3.txz: 100%  117 KiB 119.7kB/s    00:01
pkg: cached package ktux-4.14.3: size mismatch, fetching from remote
Fetching ktux-4.14.3.txz: 100%  117 KiB 119.7kB/s    00:01
pkg: cached package ktux-4.14.3: size mismatch, cannot continue

I found such a problem was already reported in this mailing list and
even fixed two years ago:

Unfortunately It happens again in FreeBSD 11.0.

I didn't try "pkg update -f" yet and I don't have ports installed.
During the FreeBSD installation I also installed the local copy of the
Handbook. This procedure lead to the pkg(8) to be installed and also
installed the handbook package. Don't know if this information could
help you to understand the issue, though.

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