audio/logitechmediaserver fails apparently due to perl mismatch

Ben Woods woodsb02 at
Sun Oct 9 22:50:14 UTC 2016

On Monday, 10 October 2016, Robert William Vesterman <bob at>

> I have had audio/squeezeboxserver installed on FreeBSD 10.1 RELEASE i386
> for a long time.  It has now been replaced by audio/logitechmediaserver,
> and I'm trying (and failing) to upgrade. It gets seemingly pretty far into
> the install:
> ===>  Installing for logitechmediaserver-7.9.0.g2016.09.30
> ===>   logitechmediaserver-7.9.0.g2016.09.30 depends on executable: mac -
> found
> ===>   logitechmediaserver-7.9.0.g2016.09.30 depends on executable: faad
> - found
> ===>   logitechmediaserver-7.9.0.g2016.09.30 depends on executable: flac
> - found
> ===>   logitechmediaserver-7.9.0.g2016.09.30 depends on executable: sox -
> found
> ===>   logitechmediaserver-7.9.0.g2016.09.30 depends on package:
> perl5>=5.20<5.21 - found
> ===>   logitechmediaserver-7.9.0.g2016.09.30 depends on shared library:
> - found (/usr/local/lib/
> ===>   logitechmediaserver-7.9.0.g2016.09.30 depends on shared library:
> - found (/usr/local/lib/
> ===>  Checking if logitechmediaserver already installed
> ===>   Registering installation for logitechmediaserver-7.9.0.g2016.09.30
> But immediately after that, things go wrong.  It first gives this error:
> pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/audio/logitechmedia
> server/work/stage/usr/local/share/logitechmediaserver/
> CPAN/arch/5.20/Audio/Cuefile/ No such file or directory
> The problem there is that there is no "Audio" file within that "5.20"
> directory.
> It then gives many, many errors like this:
> pkg-static: lstat(/usr/ports/audio/logitechmediaserver/work/stage/usr/
> local/share/logitechmediaserver/CPAN/arch/5.20/i386-freebsd-
> thread-multi/auto/Sub/Uplevel/): No such file or directory
> The problem there is that there's no "i386-freebsd-thread-multi" within
> "5.2.0".  There is, however, "i386-freebsd-thread-multi-64int".
> After a whole bunch of errors trying to access files in that nonexistent
> "i386-freebsd-thread-multi" directory, it then fails.
> I assume this has something to do with the fact that I'm not using a 64
> bit version of FreeBSD? But I have no idea what option to set where to tell
> that to logitechmediaserver's compilation process, if it's even possible in
> the first place.
> Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

Hi Robert,

This is a bug I introduced in the latest update with i386 systems.

It has been reported here:

You can subscribe to that bug and follow the status if you like. I hope to
get some time to look at it tonight.



From: Benjamin Woods
woodsb02 at

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