running make makesum for multiple github repos

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at
Fri Nov 25 18:08:40 UTC 2016


I'm try in to make a port for Ceph, but it depens on a lot of github

GH_TUPLE=       \
                wjwithagen:ceph:master:ceph \
                facebook:rocksdb:2.7.fb-4511-ge55f42f:ceph/src/rocksdb \

ceph:ceph-erasure-code-corpus:b5c8634:ceph/ceph-erasure-code-corpus \
                ceph:ceph-object-corpus:master:ceph/ceph-object-corpus \
                ceph:civetweb:v1.5-1537-gcc0dfa1:ceph/src/civetweb \

ceph:jerasure:v2-ceph:ceph/src/erasure-code/jerasure/jerasure \

ceph:gf-complete:v3-ceph:ceph/src/erasure-code/jerasure/gf-complete \
                ceph:googletest:ceph-release-1.7.x:ceph/src/googletest \
                ceph:spdk:v1.2.0-39-g9322c25:ceph/src/spdk \
                ceph:xxHash:v0.5.1-2-g1f40c65:ceph/src/xxHash \
                ceph:isa-l:v2.16.0:ceph/src/isa-l \
                ceph:lua:lua-5.3-ceph:ceph/src/lua \
                ceph:Beast:999e2fa:ceph/src/Beast \
                boostorg:boost:boost-1.61.0-275-g1790aff:ceph/src/boost \
                ceph:dpdk:a38e5ec:ceph/src/dpdk \

But if I want to make distinfo for this, it only generates:
TIMESTAMP = 1480073496
SHA256 (wjwithagen-ceph-master_GH0.tar.gz) =
SIZE (wjwithagen-ceph-master_GH0.tar.gz) = 8935857
SHA256 (ceph-dpdk-a38e5ec_GH0.tar.gz) =
SIZE (ceph-dpdk-a38e5ec_GH0.tar.gz) = 16158917

Being the main source and the last of the submodules.

How do I get it to run makesum on all modules?

I Looked in other ports on how to do this, but I see nothing out of the
ordinary.  And the makesum script is also only called with those 2
archive names.
So the collection in DISTFILES is not really what it should be.


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