today "pkg install" not quite smooth... vs the usual [gcc49 ]

Jeffrey Bouquet jeffreybouquet at
Fri Nov 25 13:50:48 UTC 2016

pkg install .... [ as always, here, an edge case, ]
some forty  [because not wanting the other thirty that " pkg upgrade"
wants to do ] ran into difficulty with a gcc-4.9 and gcc49 conflict...  [ installs into
same place some file ]

[tl;dr a bit of the above, I never answer Y to 'pkg upgrade' but pkg install a half
of the suggested ports in a long command line ] 

Seemingly resolved with  Cntl-C some of pkg commands, and "pkg add" a few
that had been downloaded.  ... that quirkiness of this run vs most of the time. 

pkg upgrade shows the upgrade(s) having been complete, and I ran ldd and --version on a few,
and it seems good to go.  Too early to be sure. 

Uncertain if some ports have been inadvertantly desinstalled, or some other
not-as-originally-intended glitch from the original command that was run, not included
here for brevity.

Posting because this pkg quirkiness hasn't happened in the past half year or so,
though it has in the past, and 'pkg add' eventually resolved it, then also.

Not so important here any longer, today at least, 
however maybe pkg could be made more foolproof with regards
to this specific gcc conflict [ symlinks during the install ?? ] and others similar to it that
may occur, python2 and python27, for example, if that were similar.  Or the ports tree
more resilient in some way.  Way past my expertise, in either case.  

Thanks for reading. 

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