FreeBSD Port: fusefs-wdfs-1.4.2_6

Matthieu Volat mazhe at
Sat Nov 5 14:14:12 UTC 2016

On Fri, 4 Nov 2016 11:19:11 +0100
Ruud Boon <ruud at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m wondering if this port is still maintained. 
> Under FreeBSD 10.3 it looks like it’s failing (trying to mount a webdav result is disappearing mount directory)

Hi, I also ran into various issues with wdfs, the last release is from 2007, so the project is all but dead as the "rest of the world" seems to rely on davfs2 now.

I tried in the past to port davfs2, but it relies on using some gnu & linux APIs, mostly related to actually mount volumes that were a bit tricky to convert (best shot at it would be to convince upstream to use the libfuse functions)...

-- Matthieu Volat
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