Owncloud port marked broken with PHP 7.0 and MySQL

Mathieu Arnold mat at FreeBSD.org
Tue Mar 15 11:59:25 UTC 2016

+--On 15 mars 2016 07:49:55 -0400 Jim Ohlstein <jim at ohlste.in> wrote:
| Hello,
| On 3/15/16 7:05 AM, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
|> +--On 14 mars 2016 16:57:19 -0400 Jim Ohlstein <jim at ohlste.in> wrote:
|> | Hello,
|> | 
|> | Not sure of the motivation behind this. Owncloud has supported PHP 7.0
|> | since prior to this release (9.0.0). See
|> | https://owncloud.org/blog/php-7-is-here-and-owncloud-is-ready/. Perhaps
|> | removing the unnecessary php(Xx)-mysql runtime requirement is what's
|> | actually needed, as it actually requires php(Xx)-pdo-mysql. That in
|> | itself creates a php-mysql dependency in PHP versions up to 5.6, but
|> | not in later versions, such as 7.0.
|> The owncloud port needs mysql, php 7.0 does not provide mysql, so it was
|> marked broken, along with all the ports that do so, and who also don't
|> build with 7.0.
| At the risk of sounding like a broken record (did you actually READ what
| I wrote?) Owncloud does NOT require php-mysql, it requires php-pdo_mysql.
| In PHP versions before 7.0 that pulled in the corresponding php-mysql
| port. It is NOT a requirement (there, I said it a THIRD time).

I was very specific in my answer, yes, I read what you wrote, I never
talked about owncloud, I talked about the port.

The port's MYSQL option end up doing USE_PHP=mysql.
PHP 7.0 does not have a mysql module.
Before my commit, if you tried to build the port with the MYSQL option
enabled, and with PHP 7.0 as the default, you would end up not building

Unknown extension mysql for PHP 70.
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/www/owncloud

After my commit, if you try to build it with the MYSQL option enabled, it
will tell you:

cannot be installed: doesn't work with lang/php70 port (doesn't support PHP

So, nothing changed from what you can do, you could not install it before,
you still cannot install it now.

Let me be very clear with what I wrote and what it says, it's all about the
*port* not the *software* I have no idea if the ~50 ports I marked broken
the other day can, or not, work with PHP 7.0.  I marked them all broken, in
one go, because they were taking time trying to build where they could not.

Now, if there is something to be done with one particular port, owncloud in
this case, please, open a problem report so that the maintainer can fix it.

Kind regards,

Mathieu Arnold
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