library porting question - optional python bindings

Chris H bsd-lists at
Tue Mar 1 02:51:27 UTC 2016

On Mon, 29 Feb 2016 21:38:40 -0500 Chris Inacio <nacho319 at> wrote

> All,
> I'm trying to build a port definition for a library/application that can
> optionally include Python bindings.  The library/application generally
> depends on other C libraries to exist (ZMQ v3, Protobufs-C) and if you
> enable Python support, then you need a Python interpreter plus
> Python-protobufs & python zmq.
> Putting an OPTION of Python in the port file is easy.  Including the
> optional Python dependencies (and presumably targets - but I'm not that far
> yet) seems to be a lot more complicated.  I haven't found anything that
> would tell me how I'm supposed to do that.  I have found that I'm supposed
> to add pyXX prefixes to the python targets.
> Does anyone know of a similar application/library that I can go look at?
> Is there any documentation on how to solve this?
Sure. You've read the Porters Handbook;
Right? :)
Other than that, there's a myriad of ports in the ports tree.
Almost all of which have (OPTIONAL) requirements. Your keyword
here is; depends. :)


> thanks,
> Chris Inacio

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