How to change repository name of installed packages in local database?

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at
Tue Jun 28 10:16:27 UTC 2016

I searched the man pages but cannot find the answer.
If we have machine with packages installed from more than one repository 
and one day we want to use some already installed packages from another 
repository, is there any easy way of switching this packages to another 
I am looking for something similar to "pkg set" but we do not want to 
change package name or package origin but package repository information 
recorded in sqlite.


# pkg query '%R %n' | sort
codelab libiconv
codelab mariadb55-server
codelab p5-Error
codelab p5-Term-ReadKey
codelab p5-subversion
codelab pkg-rmleaf
codelab unzip
codelab vim-lite
redmine320 ImageMagick-nox11
redmine320 ca_root_nss
redmine320 curl
redmine320 expat
redmine320 fontconfig
redmine320 freetype2
redmine320 indexinfo

Now we need to switch all packages from testing repo "redmine320" to 
production repo "codelab".

Is there any other way instead of manual deinstall and reinstall of all 
those packages?

Miroslav Lachman

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