INDEX build failed for 9.x

Ports Index build indexbuild at
Sat Jun 18 18:05:21 UTC 2016

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-9 - please wait.."/home/indexbuild/tindex/ports/math/libR/../R/Makefile", line 111: Could not find /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports/math/libR/
fmake: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
===> math/libR failed
*** [describe.math] Error code 1
*** [/home/indexbuild/tindex/ports/INDEX-9] Error code 1

Stop in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports.
*** [index] Error code 1

Stop in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports.
1 error

Committers on the hook:
 bapt dbn osa rm 

Most recent SVN update was:
Updating '.':
U    finance/R-cran-tseries/Makefile
U    finance/R-cran-tseries/distinfo
U    Mk/Uses/
U    math/R/Makefile
A    math/R/
U    math/R-cran-MCMCpack/Makefile
U    math/R-cran-RcppArmadillo/Makefile
U    databases/redis-devel/Makefile
U    databases/redis-devel/distinfo
U    databases/redis-devel/files/patch-redis.conf
U    databases/mongodb/pkg-plist
U    x11-toolkits/gtk30/pkg-plist
U    security/maia/pkg-plist
U    print/cups/pkg-plist
U    multimedia/openh264/pkg-plist
U    sysutils/qtpass/Makefile
U    sysutils/qtpass/distinfo
U    audio/aureal-kmod/Makefile
U    audio/aureal-kmod/pkg-plist
Updated to revision 417078.

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