Zimbra Port

Bradley T. Hughes bradleythughes at fastmail.fm
Thu Jun 2 05:41:42 UTC 2016

> On 01 Jun 2016, at 16:08, Torsten Zuehlsdorff <mailinglists at toco-domains.de> wrote:
>> * The Zimbra source is huge, a git clone is about 13 GigaBytes. I am not
>> sure on how source that big is handled correctly in ports. (e.g. is it
>> OK that every make does a git clone and you have to wait until you get
>> the 13 GB of data? Would this be a problem for the FreeBSD build cluster
>> infrastructure to create the packages?, ...)
> A git clone contains the complete development *history*. If a try to fetch a packet from their homepage it is "just" around 850 MB which should not be a problem.
>> * On the porters handbook it says to fetch a tarball from http/ftp, is
>> it also possible to directly work with git and clone a repository?
> I'm not aware of such a way. But since there is a Git-Repo: isn't there a management tool like GitLab, which could provides tarballs? At least it is possible to set one up, clone the repo and provide it this way.

There's also the --depth option to git clone that can help limit the size of the resulting checkout.

       --depth <depth>
           Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified
           number of commits. Implies --single-branch unless
           --no-single-branch is given to fetch the histories near the tips of
           all branches.

Bradley T. Hughes
bradleythughes at fastmail.fm

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