synth package for 11-CURRENT amd64

John Marino freebsdml at
Sat Feb 27 16:00:14 UTC 2016

On 2016-02-27 10:50, Matthias Apitz wrote:
>> From where could I fetch a pre-build package of synth for my
> 11.0-CURRENT r292778 (amd64)? Thanks in advance.
> I'm used to poudriere for my ~1800 packages and want to give it a try
> without building ada before.

According to portsmon, synth package is available on amd64-head:

You should be able to install it like any other package.  It's a small 

> If I understand the documentation right, a run of 'synth 
> prepare-system'
> would build all packages which are *installed* on the host. Can I build
> all which are in my local repository:
> $ ls /usr/PKGDIR.20151230 | wc -l
>     1794

Let me answer this way: you can pass a text file to Synth that lists one 
port origin per line and it will build that port (along with any ports 
it depends on).  So however you generate that input file is valid.

However, it's bad form to just generate that list from an existing 
directory because you are manually specifying dependency ports.  All you 
need to do is define the leaf ports.  For example, you only need to 
define "editors/libreoffice", not the entire dependency tree of 
libreoffice.  So maybe you should start with a generated input file and 
manually extract the leaf ports to create the final input file.

Does that make sense?


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