Unable to update ports using svnlite

Alphons van Werven freebsd at skysmurf.nl
Wed Feb 24 17:43:51 UTC 2016

Clinton Bessesen wrote:

> after trying many different things, it seems to have been a DNS issue.

Glad I could help.

Note that I symlinked svnlite to svn because otherwise
#  make -C /usr/ports update
doesn't work: "svn" is hardwired into one of the Makefiles somewhere. If
you use svn directly (e.g.
#  cd /usr/ports && svnlite update
or something, you might not need the symlink.


A.J. "Fonz" van Werven
mailsig: Ob technicas difficultates, lux in fine cuniculum non operatur.
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