[Call for testers] GitLab

Torsten Zuehlsdorff mailinglists at toco-domains.de
Tue Feb 23 13:20:17 UTC 2016


after some more months of steady work i'm calling for testers for GitLab 
as port.

You can track the progress in its PR:

Since today it is possible to install, configure and use GitLab 8.5.0. :)

If you are interested in testing you can use the patch from the PR and 
apply it against /usr/ports.

If you want to stay up to date (which is advised) you should use my 
personal ports-tree for this project:

$ git clone https://github.com/t-zuehlsdorff/freebsd-ports.git
$ git checkout gitlab

In both cases you should install it with:
# cd /usr/ports/www/gitlab
# make install

After this follow the documentation:

GitLab is huge. 369 packages are needed to get it run and there are many 
functions to check. So please will free to test like you want and give 
feedback. I will try to incorporate everything.

Also the patch contains some updates of ports and some new ports. Feel 
free to review them also.


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