New user/group in /usr/ports/UIDs and /usr/ports/GIDs

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Wed Feb 17 08:25:52 UTC 2016

Am 16.02.2016 um 20:23 schrieb Douglas Thrift:
> While your arguments for user isolation make sense, they really only
> make sense if you were to be using gitolite or gitosis at the same time
> as gogs which I imagine would not be that common. I am not opposed to
> you having a gogs user on your system, but I think that the default user
> defined by the port should reflect a reasonable default for most people,
> and that user is git not gogs, even the gogs documentation directs you
> to use the git user.

the default git user will not work, it has its homedir in /usr/local/git 
but gogs expect it on /var/db/gogs/home.
I know, here is a second user generated but if I look on the pros and 
cons I think using a dedicated gogs user is here more secure (for 
security and also for the upgrade path in the future).



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