Removing documentation

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Fri Feb 12 16:50:47 UTC 2016

On 2016/02/12 16:03, William A. Mahaffey III wrote:
> There was a thread a month or 2 back that mentioned adopting the pkg
> 'package format' for binary base packages. This would at least unify
> base & userland binaries under 1 package management system (& I *love*
> freebsd-update, BTW, *NO* aspersions being cast here). As I understand
> things, there would be separate repo's for base (obviously) & userland,
> but 1 unified format/package-manager. For those wanting to compile
> either base or userland themselves, they still could, since pkg is
> reasonably 'port' aware (& hopefuly could be made /usr/src aware as
> well), & they could use whatever src-base/port management tools they
> wanted. I definitely agree that a well integrated ability to possibly
> mix locally compiled stuff w/ repo-binaries is quite desirable in many
> scenarios & a nice advantage for FreeBSD. $0.02 from the (*very*) cheap
> seats, no more, no less ....

Yes, this is planned for FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE.  One big chunk of
functionality made possible by this change is the ability to selectively
install (or not) different bits of the base system -- so you could
install FreeBSD /without/ sendmail using the standard binary packages,
and maintain it entirely by binary pkg updates.  At the moment, if you
want a system 'WITHOUT_SENDMAIL' then you have to compile it yourself.



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