Removing documentation

Freddie Cash fjwcash at
Wed Feb 10 21:59:04 UTC 2016

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 1:46 PM, John Marino <freebsdml at> wrote:

> On 2/10/2016 10:15 PM, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> >
> > The stale configuration file issue has me a bit confused. The man page
> > does not make it clear just what makes a config "stale". All of my ports
> > are up to date as of 11:00 UTC this morning. As far as I know, all of
> > the configs are "current", although the actual config run may have been
> > for a much older version. "synth status shows 46 cases. I looked at one
> > (sysutils/tmux) and the options listed by "make showconfig" are no
> > different from those in the current Makefile, so I don't understand why
> > they are stale.
> Stale isn't the right word.  You could use "invalid" or "obsolete"
> instead.  The saved configuration does not match the current port.
> Imagine a month ago you run "make config".  It saves the status of the 4
> options on this imaginary port.  Now imagine any of the following
> happening to the port.
> A) An option is added
> B) An option is removed
> C) An option default changed.
> D) Any other option configuration changed.
> Now the month-old saved configuration doesn't match the port.  See the
> problem?
> Synth is the *only* tool that detects this.

​portmaster used to do this; was this option removed?  It was one of the
nicer features of portmaster and really came in handy in the past.

Haven't used portmaster since 9.something when pkg really became useful and
I stopped building anything from source, so maybe this feature was removed?​

Freddie Cash
fjwcash at

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