Removing documentation

Lars Engels lars.engels at
Wed Feb 10 11:10:56 UTC 2016

My rather short experience:

Synth configuration profile: LiveSystem
   [A] Ports directory            /usr/ports
   [B] Packages directory         /var/synth/live_packages
   [C] Distfiles directory        /usr/ports/distfiles
   [D] Port options directory     /var/db/ports
   [E] Build logs directory       /var/log/synth
   [F] Build base directory       /usr/obj/synth-live
   [G] System root directory      /
   [H] Compiler cache directory   disabled
   [I] Num. concurrent builders   6
   [J] Max. jobs per builder      4
   [K] Use tmpfs for work area    true
   [L] Use tmpfs for /usr/local   true
   [M] Display using ncurses      true
   [N] Fetch prebuilt packages    true

   [>]   Switch/create profiles
   [RET] Exit

Press key of selection:
root at fbsd01:~ # synth status
Querying system about current package installations.
Stand by, comparing installed packages against the ports tree.
Stand by, building pkg(8) first ... Failed!!  (Synth must exit)
Unfortunately, the system upgrade failed.
root at fbsd01:~ # uname -a
FreeBSD fbsd01 10.2-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE-p9 #0: Thu Jan 14 01:32:46 UTC 2016     root at  amd64
root at fbsd01:~ #

Not a very verbose message why it actually failed.
I need a proxy server to access the internet. Could this be the problem?
*_[pP][rR][oO][xX][yY] env vars are all set, though.
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