Removing documentation

Hrant Dadivanyan hrant at
Tue Feb 9 11:45:54 UTC 2016

> On 2/9/2016 11:52 AM, Hrant Dadivanyan wrote:
> > It's fine that there is such an excellent tool as synth, but in server
> > environment, when only a few ports are installed, having a management port
> > with 17 dependencies is not reasonable. 
> Rather that parroting this phrase, I would like to see some technical
> reasoning about this dependency criticism.  Would you be willing to
> provide that?
> What I would like to see you address is:
> 1) As was just stated earler this morning, having synth installed is 2
> packages: Synth itself and ncurses.  These "17 dependences" are build
> requirements and not installed.  So what is "unreasonable" about that?

So will require any upgrade of synth by itself, correct ? If build from
sources, of course.
> 2) If 17 dependencies are such a concern, why would you not install it
> via official freebsd packages?

Ports buiding is also official. Phrasing of your question sets the
preference in favour of prebuilt packages, my preference is opposite.

> 3) If there is a corporate policy to build everything from source, what
> would be the issue to use an officially packaged Synth to build Synth
> (along with the other packages) so that the locally built Synth could
> replace the downloaded version?

In my case it's just a preference to build everything locally.

> As established earlier both by text and the recently posted architecture
> drawing, Synth is not in the critical path and removing it has no
> adverse affects on a system so the whole, "I'll be left in a bad state
> argument has been debunked"
> This is not a rhetorical set of questions, I would very much like to see
> how you answer these, given your opinion on this is unreasonable.  I
> would like to understand how this is a problem and why there are no ways
> to address it.

There is no need to address it, because of two quite different use cases.
As far as I can see synth is excellent in some cases, my point is that
portmaster is fine in some other ones.

> thank you,
> John

Hrant Dadivanyan (aka Ran d'Adi)		hrant(at)
/* "Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes." */       ran(at)

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