Discussions in closed PRs

John Marino freebsdml at marino.st
Mon Feb 8 22:59:18 UTC 2016

Geez, talk about being misrepresented.

"that marino@ wants to remove portmaster and replace it with synth.
This PR was just preparing the way."

What part of this is accurate?  Nothing.

I wanted to remove THE DOCUMENTATION *if* portmaster remains in the
current state.  I tried to DEPRECATE it without expiration.  At no time
did I try or state I wanted to remove portmaster.

I never said I wanted to replace it with Synth.  I said that a main
objective was to provide a tool with the same functionlity (aside this
means end result, not process)

"Against portmaster: it's not maintained (hasn't been for 9 Whole
Months), and it has open PRs (3 of them,"

Another misrepresention.  Pi counted 12 earlier today (and they still
show in a search so not sure what you did) and you could bet there would
be more if it had a maintainer.

Actually I don't appreciate this message or the one before.  I would
have brought Synth on when I was ready which would have been AFTER
release 1.00.  I didn't ask for any of this and I certaintly didn't to
be misrepresented.

The PR continued because in my opinion Warren closed it down very
hastily and did not even ask the submitted if they were happy with the
solution (I suspect it was a case of "don't ask questions you don't want
the answer to).

Anyway, on the premise of this inaccurate post, let's NOT discuss it.


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