FreeBSD Port: pd-0.46.7

Tobias Brodel s3377249 at
Sat Feb 6 05:42:18 UTC 2016


just an update on this, i have a patch which fixes the issue, please 
find it attached.


ps: please let me know if this is not the right way to get involved in 
ports, i've never contributed to FreeBSD before.

On 01/31/16 14:47, Tobias Brodel wrote:
> hi,
> i'm not sure if this is the right place to report bugs in ports, but 
> i'm having trouble using this package. i haven't been able to open any 
> externals, either compiled by myself or included in the package (under 
> /usr/local/lib/pd/extra). i have added the correct paths in the 
> application and restarted several times. only pd builtins can be 
> successfully created.
> the error i'm getting is simply "expr~ ... couldn't create" in the pd 
> window.
> is this a known issue?
> cheers,
> toby.

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