Subscription for committer

Warren Block wblock at
Wed Dec 21 00:39:36 UTC 2016

On Mon, 19 Dec 2016, John Marino wrote:

> On 12/19/2016 20:22, Mark Linimon wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 07:07:06PM -0600, John Marino wrote:
>>> It's a natural reaction to stop attempting to contribute when previous
>>> contributions don't get "attention they deserve".
>> Which some people (including me) see as odds with:
>>> the impression that portmaster is officially recommended [has] to be
>>> stamped out
>> People tend to put off working on topics that include "demands".
>> It's just human nature.
>> Plus, there are thousands of other PRs to work on that don't involve such
>> charged language.  Working on those is more rewarding and less frustrating.
> It was decided that any implied recommendation for portupgrade and portmaster 
> in FreeBSD documentation has to be removed.

Obviously there is some disagreement on this point, as this long, 
multiply-broken, renamed thread has shown.

> The docs people are aware of the decision and are charged to implement 
> it.

As volunteers, committers are free to choose the work they want to do.

> It's not "my" demand.  If valid PRs are in a moving queue, fine.  If 
> valid PRs are being conveniently and intentionally forgotten, I would 
> say that's not fine.

There is no queue.  Volunteers choose the work they want to do.

> and mcl: I challenge you to identify *ANY* offputting language in PR 214679. 
> You can't just imply that it exists when it doesn't.

There has been plenty of off-putting language outside of that PR 
referring back to it, including some a few lines above. These are far 
beyond demotivational. More of the same will not have a different 

My apologies for extending this already too-long thread.

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