The ports collection has some serious issues

John Marino at
Sat Dec 17 19:54:59 UTC 2016

On 12/17/2016 13:47, Alphons van Werven wrote:
> Needless to say, not being a committer myself, whether/that said folks are
> required to use Poudriere and/or Synth for their QA checking is ipso facto
> none of my concern. However, I'm pretty sure I know what comes next. When
> maintainers need to provide build/QA logs with their PRs (which I think in
> many cases makes perfect sense to request, BTW) soon enough Portupgrade or
> Portmaster logs, Portlint output, output of explicit
>   # make check-foo && make bar-qa && make love && make install
> and such will cease to suffice and those logs will be going to have to be
> Poudriere and/or Synth logs specifically. In other words: I suspect it
> won't be long before port maintainership will de facto force maintainers
> to install, learn and use Poudriere and/or Synth. And it just so happens
> that for me the former in particular is a definite no go for flight.

portmaster and portupgrade logs have not been sufficient in years.
It is quite possible to pass building in those and fail miserably in 
reliable environments such as poudriere.  Since they are 100% 
untrustworthy, no, they aren't acceptable.  I mean, they are better than 
zero testing effort at all, but barely.

> To put things into perspective, I do feel compelled to point out that this
> is merely the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. Or the spark
> that ignited the gunpowder, if one happens to know what poudriere actually
> means. I've been a FreeBSD stalwart since the turn of the century (if not
> slightly earlier) and for the most part it has been wonderful. But ever
> since some time during the 9.X era I started to pick up signs that the
> FreeBSD project as a whole is moving into a direction that troubles me--in
> some cases deeply indeed. Particularly during the last few months I found
> myself increasingly strongly contemplating moving away from FreeBSD
> altogether. And that is exactly what I've now decided to do.
> There's nothing overly dramatic about that; it's a simple observation that
> too many things involving the FreeBSD project in general are going in what
> I consider undesirable directions, leading to the pragmatic conclusion
> that, the past notwithstanding, FreeBSD is unfortunately no longer the
> right operating system for me, neither personally nor professionally.
> I'll assume the above was sufficiently elaborate.

well, sorry to see you go.
Since reverting your name on that many ports is quite a bit of work, 
maybe you could open one final PR and provide a patch that does this?


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