Upcoming OpenSSL 1.1.0 release

Matt Smith fbsd at xtaz.co.uk
Wed Aug 24 19:36:06 UTC 2016

On Aug 24 21:18, Bernard Spil wrote:
>Today new vulnerabilities with (3)DES and BlowFish were made public and 
>I believe we'll see release of another paper which is OpenSSL 1.1 
>related with the release of OpenSSL 1.1.0. I have no knowledge if the 
>paper/report contained vulnerabilities that have postponed the release 
>of 1.1.0 but I think that is likely. That would mean that these 
>vulnerabilities have been solved pre-release.
>As far as I know x25519 is still a Draft RFC so unlikely to appear in 
>browsers for a while. I can see LibreSSL adding this as well, whether 
>in the draft version or in the final. This they did with 
>ChaCha20/Poly1305 as well (draft in 2.3, release in 2.4). The LibreSSL 
>devs would have closed the request if they didn't intend to support it 
>I don't think that FreeBSD will be making LibreSSL the 
>libssl/libcrypto provider any time soon. The support timelines for 
>LibreSSL (<1.5 years) are just too short for the FreeBSD release 
>support (>3 years). OpenSSL is speeding up the release cycle as well 
>but at least we can rely on RedHat to backport changes to older 
>LibreSSL in base is a bit more than playing, it is becoming the 
>default in HardenedBSD very soon and very likely in TrueOS (AKA 
>PC-BSD) as of 11.0 RELEASE. Both HardenedBSD and TrueOS have a 
>different attitude towards updating things in the base system as they 
>do not serve as upstream to other projects/products that require 
>longer support timelines. Come see my talk at EuroBSDCon, it will 
>contain LibreSSL in base things.

Thanks for that reply. That answers things quite nicely. I believe 
x25519 is currently in chrome:


It has x25519 listed as an Elliptic curve near the bottom. So for that 
reason I am interested in enabling it as I like to do things bleeding 
edge! I will probably stick with security/libressl-devel for the 
foreseeable future though I think and at least wait and see what people 
make of OpenSSL 1.1 after a few months if only for the fact it's a bit 
of a pain to switch back again by recompiling everything.


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