fontconfig update uglifies fonts

Pierre Guinoiseau pierre at
Tue Aug 23 02:41:53 UTC 2016


can I suggest replacing Bitstream Vera with DejaVu? Bitstream Vera fonts
have been unmaintained for more than 12 years and have a lot of hinting
issues, whereas DejaVu fonts are a very popular and well maintained fork
of them and have a very nice hinting. It might fix your issue and you
won't notice the difference.


On 2016-08-22 17:01:33, Russell L. Carter <rcarter at> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 10/stable amd64, the recent fontconfig update makes the fonts used
> in thunderbird, firefox, (u)xterm, and emacs quite a bit uglier.  The
> font strokes seem to be thicker and fuzzier.  Emacs I fixed by
> reinstalling bitstream-vera, but (u)xterm use that and they're still
> broken.  I ran fc-cache -f, but no change.  I turned off antialiasing
> via /usr/local/etc/fonts/local.conf and that made the strokes nice and
> thin but overall even uglier.
> Any ideas/pointers on how to fix this?
> Thanks,
> Russell
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Pierre Guinoiseau <pierre at> | +PierreGuinoiseau | @peikk00
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