failure compile libGL-11.1.2

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-ports-local at
Mon Apr 18 22:10:20 UTC 2016

Willem Offermans <Willem at> writes:

> Dear FreeBSD friends,
> I have inherited an old FreeBSD beast and I'm trying to update it to 10.3.
> However the following error occurred during compiling libGL:
> ===>  Building for libGL-11.1.2
> [cut some messages in between]
> libtool:  error: cannot find the library '/usr/local/lib/'
> or unhandled argument '/usr/local/lib/'
> '/usr/local/lib/' is indeed not present. But the file is also not 
> present on another FreeBSD 10.2 system. So I suppose it is not needed. Is 
> there something old on the server pointing to this file? How can I proceed?

Seems that you haven't upgraded libtool yet.

If you are upgrading from source, what tool are you using for it? You
will need one that handles dependencies. If you are upgrading across
major versions of FreeBSD, you really should rebuild *all* of your ports.

Is it possible you could switch to precompiled binaries? That's easier
for most people, assuming you're okay with default options.

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