www/nginx-devel build failure after libbrotli update

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Sat Apr 16 14:20:07 UTC 2016

Am 16.04.2016 um 14:26 schrieb Jim Ohlstein:
> ===>   nginx-devel-1.9.14_1 depends on shared library: libpcre.so -
> found (/usr/local/lib/libpcre.so)
> ===>   Returning to build of nginx-devel-1.9.14_1
> ===>   nginx-devel-1.9.14_1 depends on shared library: libbrotlidec.so -
> not found
> ===>   Installing existing package /packages/All/libbrotli-1.0_1.txz
> [pkg.jlkhosting.com] Installing libbrotli-1.0_1...
> [pkg.jlkhosting.com] Extracting libbrotli-1.0_1: .......... done
> ===>   nginx-devel-1.9.14_1 depends on shared library: libbrotlidec.so -
> found (/usr/local/lib/libbrotlidec.so)
> ===>   Returning to build of nginx-devel-1.9.14_1
> ===>   nginx-devel-1.9.14_1 depends on shared library: libbrotlienc.so -
> found (/usr/local/lib/libbrotlienc.so)

found it this morning and already created a PR for it:



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