FreeBSD Port: pgadmin3-1.20.0_1

Daniel Malaby dan at
Mon Oct 19 14:38:51 UTC 2015

On 10/19/15 02:16, Martin Waschbüsch wrote:
>> Am 19.10.2015 um 08:04 schrieb Christoph Moench-Tegeder <cmt at>:
>> ## Daniel Malaby (dan at
>>> Is there a way to get this to use postgres9.4 instead of 9.3?
>> Add "postgresql=9.4" to DEFAULT_VERSIONS, e.g. in make.conf.
> Actually, the way I read '/usr/ports/Mk/'
> it should be pgsql and not postgresql.
> So, add 'pgsql=9.4' to your make.conf DEFAULT_VERSIONS variable.

Thanks, postgresql did not work, but pgsql did work, and now I know
where to go look for this in the future.

Thanks again.

> Best,
> Martin

Daniel Malaby
dan at

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