PHP 5.6 is default. What do lang/php5 users do?

Guido Falsi mad at
Thu Feb 26 09:14:11 UTC 2015

On 02/26/15 01:15, Henrik Hudson wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Feb 2015, Alex Dupre wrote:
>> Mike Brown ha scritto:
>>>  From looking at the commits,[1] it seems that if I didn't have lang/php5
>>> (5.4) installed, and then I installed something that requires PHP, I'd get
>>> lang/php56. Is that right?
>> Yes.
>>> But since I do have lang/php5 installed, upgrading with 'portmaster php5' will
>>> just get me 5.4.38, not 5.6.
>> Correct.
>>> So should I install lang/php56 myself now,
>> If you like.
>>> or is it expected that lang/php5
>>> will eventually become 5.6 and I should just wait,
>> No.
>>> or what?
>> You may also stay with php 5.4, it's your call.
> FreeBSD won't version bump for you for most major ports. However,
> that's up to the port maintainers. Since you're using portmaster and
> ports vs. just binary packages via pkg the default version won't
> change if a version is already installed.
> If you want 5.6, then uninstall php5 and install php56, updating any
> necessary apache / nginx and/or php.conf configs. It's also helpful
> to set your make.conf USE=php=5.6 variable if you're doing port
> builds.
> note: don't quote me on the exact make.conf syntax, it might be
> USE=php56 or USE=php=56 .

In make.conf you should use


Guido Falsi <mad at>

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