freemat installation

Kurt Jaeger lists at
Fri Feb 20 15:22:48 UTC 2015


> I'm writting you  to have any information about FreeMat installation in PCBSD 9.0.
> In fact, i recently begin to use PCBSD, but i've a lot of problems to understand all. 
> Recently, i downloaded Freemat from
> them i donwnloaded -tar.gz- file extension. But, i don't know how to use this pack, install and run then in pcbsd.
> I didn't found information in, so, i'm writting you to know if you can inform me about steps to install it. 

Please try, as root:

cd /usr/ports/math/freemat
make install

and report back what it says ?

pi at            +49 171 3101372                         5 years to go !

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