please add nvidia-driver changes in r378360 to ports/UPDATING

Jerry jerry at
Mon Feb 9 12:19:50 UTC 2015

On Mon, 09 Feb 2015 03:30:10 -0800 (PST), Anton Shterenlikht stated:

>I think changes to x11/nvidia-driver* in r378360
>need to be mentioned in ports/UPDATING.
>Otherwise it's a POLA violation. nvidia-driver
>no longer worked for me after the updated to 346.35.
>I had to install nvidia-driver-340 instead.
>But would be good to be warned about this change.

Same here. I had to downgrade to the 340 version.

Question: I use portupgrade to keep my ports current. How can I configure it
to NEVER upgrade "nvidia"?

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