Dependent ports use different c++ compilers

Shane Ambler FreeBSD at ShaneWare.Biz
Sat Feb 7 03:11:05 UTC 2015

On 06/02/2015 21:29, mike at wrote:
> Hi,
> kicad-devel depends at least on two c++ libraries: boost-lib and
> webkit-gtk2.
> kicad-devel and boost uses:
>    USES+= compiler:c++11-lang
> This leads at least under FreeBSD 9.3 and 10.* to the usage of clang++
> webkit-gtk2 uses:
>    USES += compiler:c++11-lib
> This leads at least under FreeBSD 9.3 to the usage of GNU g++ (FreeBSD
> 10+ is using clang++)
> and this leads to missing symbols when linking kicad-devel.
> How can this dilemma be resolved?
> Greetings
> ---
> Mike (mr@)

The newc++stack wiki page has some tips on using both libc++ and libstdc++

FreeBSD - the place to B...Software Developing

Shane Ambler

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