Gogs port: A painless self-hosted Git service

Yuri yuri at rawbw.com
Sat Dec 19 16:07:07 UTC 2015

On 12/18/2015 19:44, Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> Would you be able to help test this script which takes a patch and then
> kicks off poudriere:
> https://github.com/Ultima1252/portest/blob/master/portest
> and provide feedback or patches?  Ricky Gallamore wrote it.
> This type of script will be necessary to implement the kind of workflow
> which you are
> suggesting.
> Integrating with pull requests is doable down the road, but we need to get
> the basic
> scripting working at first.

I am working with gogs authors to have all needed features implemented. 
Currently gogs still doesn't have the hook for the pull request 
creation, which is a must.


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