java/eclipse (eclipse-4.5.1) does not build on 11-CURRENT amd64

Matthias Apitz guru at
Sun Dec 13 05:22:49 UTC 2015

El día Saturday, December 12, 2015 a las 10:38:34PM +0100, Kurt Jaeger escribió:

> Hi!
> > The port java/eclipse (from head in ports) does not build on amd64; it
> > fails with the message of the VM:
> > 
> > ===>  Building for eclipse-4.5.1
> > Error occurred during initialization of VM
> > Could not allocate metaspace: 1073741824 bytes
> > 
> > The full log is attached (I deleted only the depency messages).
> > 
> > Any idea how to build it within poudriere?
> You probably need more RAM. I've build it in poudriere (with 11-cur-amd64)
> when I test-build it. I have not measured how much it needs, but the box
> I tested on has 32 GB of RAM and 36 GB of swap.


I do not think that this is (at the moment) some bare metal resource
issue. I monitored in separate xterms with top the used memeory (most of
it only 'inactive', some megabytes free, swap unused) and a tail -f of
the ports build log file; the three messages

===>  Building for eclipse-4.5.1
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not allocate metaspace: 1073741824 bytes

coming out in the same second, i.e. the VM have not hat time to fill memory;
surely it calculated somehow it needs and came to the conclusion, that
it was not enough what the system provideds in its configuration, i.e.
this is either a config issue of the kernel or of the JVM.

> I can provide a build log if it helps ?

Yes, please do so (off list, or put it somewhere where I could fetch
it); thanks.


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, 🌐  ☎ +49-176-38902045

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