FreeBSD Port: textproc/simplehtmldom

Kristofer Persson kpersson at
Wed Dec 2 17:57:28 UTC 2015

I am upgrading from php5.4 to php5.5 and I use simplehtmldom.  I installed this via ports awhile back, I use it in a lot of my code.  Recently it has been marked broken and set to expire with php5.4,   I found the source page at,   the version installed on my system via ports is 1.11 Rev 184, how ever I see on sourceforge that his latest version is 1.5 Rev 210 revised on 5-28-14.   Why is it expiring with 5.4?  Can I use the one downloaded from the source on my freebsd and just leave the port installed, will be wrong version but it will let me know it's still installed.

Thanks Kris

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