devel/doxygen: Need TeX help

Naram Qashat cyberbotx at
Tue Mar 18 01:14:55 UTC 2014

Hello everyone,

I am attempting to update the devel/doxygen port to 1.8.6 (something that I 
should've done some time back). The port is successful in every way EXCEPT if 
support for PDF docs is enabled. I basically get the following when it comes up 
to ./langhowto.tex:

! LaTeX Error: Environment longtable undefined.

I currently have the teTeX ports installed, but I do believe I tried this with 
the TeXLive ports as well and had the same problem. I have 
/usr/local/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/longtable.sty from 
teTeX-texmf-3.0_9, so I'm at a loss as to why this is happening. Upstream hasn't 
been able to help either. So if there are any TeX gurus out there who would know 
how to fix this, I'd love to know so I can get the port updated.

Naram Qashat

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