pkgng vs. portupgrade reporting ports outdated

Warren Block wblock at
Sat Apr 5 04:50:09 UTC 2014

On Fri, 4 Apr 2014, Sindrome wrote:
>> On Apr 4, 2014, at 11:09 PM, Warren Block <wblock at> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 4 Apr 2014, sindrome wrote:
>>> From: Warren Block [mailto:wblock at]
>>>> On Fri, 4 Apr 2014, sindrome wrote:
>>>> There is a major inconsistency with what pkg_version -v says is
>>>> outdated and what pkgng says.
>>> Of course.  pkg_version looks at the text files in /var/db/pkg, while pkg
>>> looks at the database local.sqlite in that directory.  The first step in
>>> using pkg is running pkg2ng, which imports the old information from the text
>>> files into the sqlite table.  After that, pkg_version should not be used.
>>> It's getting information from an outdated database.
>>> So now the way to keep ports up-to-date is to execute 'pkg update' and 'pkg
>>> upgrade'?
>>> Are you saying I shouldn't svn update the ports tree anymore?
>> No, I did not say that.
>> By switching from the old pkg_* tools to pkg, all you have done is changed which database is being used to track what is installed. Nothing else needs to change.

> Okay so just 'pkg update' followed by 'pkg upgrade' after svn update?

[Please stop top-posting, it makes replying to your messages more 

No.  If you want to use ports (I do), use ports.  pkg will keep track of 
them.  Commands like pkg info replace the old versions of those 
commands, like pkg_info.

pkg update or pkg upgrade are only used when the user wants to use 
binary packages instead of ports.

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