www/aria2 dependencies & lang/llvm33 build error

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Wed Nov 27 07:53:28 UTC 2013

Am 22.11.2013 15:20, schrieb andrew clarke:
> On Sun 2013-11-17 14:15:02 UTC+0100, Michael Gmelin (freebsd at grem.de) wrote:
>>>> www/aria2 1.18.1 requires lang/clang33. Is this really necessary?
>>>> Previous aria2 versions didn't require clang.
>>> I've now had a chance to check the aria2 sources and evidently it now
>>> requires C++11 support, which I find surprising, but that's progress I
>>> suppose...
>> From a developer's standpoint this makes a lot of sense, since C++11 is
>> more productive and a lot more fun to use.
> Sounds good. I just wonder about the logic behind doing that for a
> minor 1.17 -> 1.18 release though.

Without asking the aria2 developers, I would argue that once you've got
it built, it's likely compatible with the previous 1.X versions with
respect to its public interfaces (shell, possibly library API,
configuration files) so the developers did not move to a major 2.X release.

Also you could argue that C++11 has caught on relatively quickly so it
might appear to the aria2 developers to be a minor move.

> Out of curiosity I tried building devel/libc++ under 9.2 but it failed with:
> Shared object "libz.so.5" not found, required by "libLLVM-3.3.so"
> Evidently the fix is to add "libz.so.5 libz.so" to /etc/libmap.conf.

No, the fix is to rebuild libLLVM-3.3.so after the system upgrade.


>> - Try building aria with a recent gcc instead
> I've had no success with that either!

Was the configure complaining, or the build after you'd hacked the
configure script?  I presume you'd have to use gcc48.

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