pkg MANIFEST documentation

Aristedes Maniatis ari at
Thu Mar 14 07:37:03 UTC 2013

I am trying to create a package without first having a port, but I'm finding it really hard.

Firstly, the pkg MANIFEST format isn't well documented. For example:

1. What is the syntax of "deps" when I want to depend on Java, but not specify the version? I've tried this:

   javavmwrapper: {origin: java/javavmwrapper}

but this is ignored with a warning.

2. Everything under "files:" and "directories:" appears to have full paths from root. If that is the case, how does the system adjust to a user's own choice of prefix? And what is the point of the "prefix:" option earlier in the MANIFEST?

3. I see packages with this syntax:

   /var/db/something: y

What does the "y" mean?

Secondly, I am confused by the tar packaging itself. It appears that my package only works if I build it using

   tar Pf packge.tar /
Is the correct way to chroot to a folder, assemble all the files relative to root and then tar in this way? Again, why doesn't pkg cope with relative tar pathing? Isn't that the whole point of 'prefix'?



Aristedes Maniatis
Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
phone +61 2 9550 5001   fax +61 2 9550 4001
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