pkgng+portmaster: portmaster erased the field packages.time

Yuri yuri at
Thu Aug 22 17:18:22 UTC 2013

On 08/22/2013 04:49, Bryan Drewery wrote:
> By "Packages.time" I assume you mean the timestamp the package was
> installed? There is no "conversion" timestamp stored by pkgng.

After pkg2ng has ran, all fields packages.time were !=null. This was 
probably the original install time then.

> How are you seeing this timestamp? With 'pkg query "%o %t"'?

I use firefox plugin to look into .sqlite file directly.

> Portmaster itself is not modifying this data at all (it can't), only
> pkgng updates this timestamp.

After portmaster ran, I observed all package.time fields became null, 
except for the ones updated by portmaster.
I am not sure who deleted them, this is what happened after portmaster ran.


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