dansguardian poudriere and squid version

Marko Cupać marko.cupac at mimar.rs
Wed Aug 21 08:45:23 UTC 2013

I am building www/dansguardian in poudriere, and it always builds
www/squid (squid-2.7.X) as a dependency, even though I have already
built www/squid33 (squid-3.3.x).

I guess it is related to the following Makefile line:
RUN_DEPENDS=    ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/squid:${PORTSDIR}/www/squid

So, on systems which already have www/squid33 installed, it sees
${LOCALBASE}/sbin/squid and does not build squid27. But in poudriere
there isn't ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/squid so it builds ${PORTSDIR}/www/squid.

I guess I could edit Makefile line like this:
RUN_DEPENDS=    ${LOCALBASE}/sbin/squid:${PORTSDIR}/www/squid33

to make it work, but it would be overwritten on next revision. Is it
possible to find a solution (e.g. by means of choosing squid version
in configure options) for official port Makefile? Or switch to latest
squid by default?

Marko Cupać

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