ftp/curl: FAILURE due to configure: using CFLAGS: -DLDAP_DEPRECATED

Xin LI delphij at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 19:45:22 UTC 2013

I think someone have submitted a bsd.ldap.mk change to portmgr@ to
remove that DEPRECATED definition for a pointyhat build but I am not
sure what happen then.  Will ask.


On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 11:02 AM, O. Hartmann
<ohartman at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> On several most recently update FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT machines the
> update of port ftp/curl went smoothly, but on exactly one box the
> portbuild fails with a very strange error:
> [...]
> configure: using CFLAGS: -O2 -pipe -O3 -march=native -DLDAP_DEPRECATED
> -fno-strict-aliasing configure: CFLAGS error: CFLAGS may only be used
> to specify C compiler flags, not macro definitions. Use CPPFLAGS for:
> -DLDAP_DEPRECATED configure: error: Can not continue. Fix errors
> mentioned immediately above this line.
> [...]
> I haven't set -DLDAP_DEPRECATED nor in /etc/make.conf neither
> in /etc/src.conf nor can I find in /etc or //usr/local/etc any settings
> of such a flag for CFLAGS! I delete /usr/ports/Mk
> and /usr/ports/Templates and checked them out again via subversion, but
> this mysterious CFLAGS  setting is sticky like hell.
> How can I trace the settings of CFLAGS in the port?
> Since this happens on only one box,I guess it has to do with some
> settings in ports. I already tried to build curl via
> portmaster -f curl
> but that doesn't help much.
> Does anybody has any suggestions?
> Oliver

Xin LI <delphij at delphij.net> https://www.delphij.net/
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