INDEX build failed for 7.x

Michael Scheidell scheidell at
Fri Mar 30 10:41:18 UTC 2012

On 3/30/12 6:12 AM, Ruslan Mahmatkhanov wrote:
> I believe you do not need an approval to fix things you broke. :)
figured as much, but I didn't 'break' the master port, I wasn't 
committer.. in theory, eadler did by not considering the CONFLICTS.
(don't blame him, but I wish I had seen his commit, and wish he would 
have followed through and taken the slaves)

but, on to this port.
silly slaves insist on lazarus-0.9.30 as their version, and I am trying 
things like PKGPREFIX, and the like to try to get it to change the 

how do I see what it would use as INDEX name?

(its 6:30 am, sun isn't up, haven't made coffee yet, hello there in 
russia. on a side note, I remember how thrilling it was in '94 to get 
emails from people with .ru email addresses when working on *BSD code 
for QNX.  it was nice to see that engineers could cooperate, even then 
politicians could not.)
can we tell jokes in ports@? or do I need to put it in my sig?

we joke that politicians has its root in two words.  poly, meaning many, 
and ticks, meaning little blood sucking insects.  So, politicians means 
many little blood sucking insects.

Michael Scheidell, CTO
 >*| * SECNAP Network Security Corporation
d: +1.561.948.2259

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