Need advice on a problems with the Django CMS port

xenophon\+freebsd xenophon+freebsd at
Thu Jun 21 04:38:41 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I maintain the Django CMS port (www/py-django-cms).  I could use some
advice on the following problem both from other maintainers and from
other users of the ports tree:

Django CMS requires a database backend, which it accesses through the
Django web app framework.  The Django port (www/py-django) doesn't
include database support by default.  If someone naively runs "cd
/usr/ports/www/py-django-cms; make install", Django CMS won't work
properly because of the missing database drivers.  The Django port does
have knobs for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite, but those knobs don't
affect what bits of Django get installed.  All the knobs do is add
databases/{py-psycopg2,py-MySQLdb,py-sqlite3} to the Django package's
RUN_DEPENDS.  As I see it, I have the following options:

(a) I could add a warning to www/py-django-cms/pkg-message that says
something to the effect of "make sure you build Django with database
support".  This is the easiest thing for me to do, but it isn't very
user friendly.

(b) I could try to come up with some pre-installation test code that
checks for a working database backend in Django and then prompt the user
to re-build Django with database support.  I have no idea how to do this
in a reliable way, but this is no less user friendly than having a port
set BROKEN or IGNORE when certain knobs are frobbed.

(c) I could add knobs to the Django CMS port similar to those found in
the Django port (i.e., add to RUN_DEPENDS if knob is set) -
functionally, it doesn't matter which port pulls in the required
database drivers.  This is probably the most user friendly, in that a
single run of "make install" will result in a working version of Django

I think option (c) is the best, but I'd love to hear what the community

Best wishes,

P.S. If you want to try out Django CMS, make sure you install Django
1.3.  I'm going to update the Django CMS port to reflect this
requirement RSN.


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