math/ess CONFLICTS with devel/noweb, help with CONFLICTS= needed

Christopher J. Ruwe cjr at
Fri Jun 8 18:41:55 UTC 2012

I am the (still inexperienced) maintainer of math/ess.

Apparently, math/ess, an emacs mode for the statics lang R/S (Emacs
Speaks Statistics) conflicts with the devel/noweb literate programming
tool, more specifically, it's emacs mode. Both add a noweb-mode.el in
share/emacs/site-lisp/, so that I will need to add a CONFLICTS-line to
the port. 

I gather that I should add something like

CONFLICTS=    noweb

to the Makefile. Am I correct in my assumption on using CONFLICTS
instead of CONFLICTS_INSTALL and am I correct on the naming of noweb?

I hope this to be only a short term solution; as noweb amongst other
languages also targets the R-language and the problem should in
principle also apply to various Linux-distros, I have respectfully
asked the Emacs Speaks Stastics-people if possibly the file (which is
targeted at Sweave-integration) could be renamed.

Anyways, the conflict should be marked and I would appreciate any input
on my idea of writing a CONFLICTS-line.

Thanks very much, cheers, 
Christopher J. Ruwe
TZ: GMT + 1h

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