ports/168215: [PATCH] print/scribus-devel: update to 1.5.0 svn

Kevin Oberman kob6558 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 17:34:53 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 10:06 AM, coder.tuxfamily <coder at tuxfamily.org> wrote:
> I'm trying to fix errors with scribus-devel, but i don't understand
> differences between "port test" and "tinderbox". You can find my logs and my
> "shar" here :
> http://download.tuxfamily.org/bartcoding/FreeBSD/Scribus-devel.tar.gz
> Is there somene who can make tests ?

It depends on what you want to test. If you want to test whether the
port builds correctly on various versions of FreeBSD, you want a
tinderbox build. This will assure that the port installs and
deinstalls correctly. For this, I suggest redports
(http://redports.org). Once you get an account, you can do tinderbox
builds on all supported releases as well as Current, both i386 and
amd64. The builds are done on VMs and the queue can take a bit, but I
have never had to wait for more than a couple of hours and usually it
takes just minutes to start the builds.

On the other hand, if you want the port tested to make sure it really
runs properly and does what it is supposed to do, the only way is to
post a location to download the new port where potential users are
likely to see it and ask people to test.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: kob6558 at gmail.com

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