Problems about making a new port

Niclas Zeising zeising at
Mon Jul 30 12:37:12 UTC 2012

On 07/30/12 14:31, HU Dong (胡东) wrote:
> I met with some problem while porting a software, which will be
> www/xombrero. It's a web browser.
> 1. Its source code has a .desktop file and I want to install it to
> /usr/local/share/applications. But some committer told me to check it
> again. Is it a wrong place?
> 2. Also, it has several icon files located in ${WORKSRC}/. The filenames
> are xombreroicon32.png, xombreroicon64.png etc. Is there a convinient way
> to install them to correct places (/usr/local/share/icons/hicolr/NxN/apps)?
> 3. It has a simple sh script called as its "plugin". The
> script is supposed to be manually copied to ~/.xombrero directory. So I
> installed the script to /usr/local/share/xombrero. Is it better to move it
> to /usr/local/share/examples/xombrero?
> Thanks!

xombrero is a rename of xxxterm.  Start looking at the port www/xxxterm.
Niclas Zeising

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