FreeBSD Port: bash-4.2.28

Jerry jerry at
Wed Jul 25 22:34:37 UTC 2012

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 11:14:25 -0700
Doug Barton articulated:

> On 07/25/2012 08:03, Michael wrote:
> > Hello obrien,
> > 
> > Any plans to update bash-4.2.28 up to patch level 037?
> Is there a specific bug fixed that you're interested in?

The short answer would be what the hell difference does that make? The
OP just wanted to know if the port was going to be updated to include
the newly released patches. The long answer is that he is interested in
getting the official patches to correct known problems with Bash. Who's
business is it what problem, real or potential that the OP is looking
to correct or prevent?

Actually, the OP would be better served contacting the port maintainer
<obrien at>. Unlike Postfix that <sahil at> updates
in virtually real time, there is usually quite a lag between the time
Bash issues a patch and the time it makes it into the ports system.

Jerry ♔

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